About Us
CADEX is dedicated to providing quality, efficient discharge systems to industry. Owner Russ Moyer seeks to do his part in preserving our environment, by providing our customers with the knowledge and equipment to reduce, reuse and recycle.
CADEX supplies industrial equipment, focusing on environmental and waste issues. Our product lines include:
- Rinse Water Recycling
- Phosphatizing Recycling
- Waste Treatment Systems
- Coolant Recycling
- Plating Waste Recycling
- VOC Control
- Site Remediation Equipment
- Solvent Recycling
Chautauqua Sunrise -- Russ Moyer, 2001
CADEX serves our local market, Western and Central New York and northern counties in Pennsylvania. We serve our market, providing all the above stated equipment, but particularly concentrate on putting together zero discharge systems through the various manufacturers we represent. We have included manufacturer's literature, web connections, Success Stories of local jobs done, equipment descriptions and Enironmental News. We hope that you find some information that is useful to you.
During the summer, Russ draws his inspiration from the beauty of Lake Chautauqua, a resource he hopes to help preserve for his children, grandchildren and beyond.